Sunday, July 12, 2020

Staying Safe at level Crossings

Staying Safe at level Crossings

When using a level crossing, it's important that you safeguard your safety and behave responsibly, as level crossing's can be dangerous if they are not used correctly.

In 2013 there were 30 serious near-miss incidents at level crossings - where a train driver had to make an emergency brake.

Also in 2013 there were 25 incidents where a level crossing was hit by vehicles.

Staying Safe at level Crossings

Doug Caddell a signalman from Kent suffered a broken neck when a car hit a gate he was trying to close at a level crossing, has recalled how he thought he would die.

His injuries were so severe that he could not be operated on for four days.

Mr Caddell said the incident had left him with "one very vivid memory of my wife holding back tears when she was begging me to breathe".

Cameras have been installed at certain level crossing's to help prosecute motorists who take dangerous risks.

The cameras work digitally to monitor the crossing and send images using wireless technology to a back office where the information is processed.

If a motorist has committed a red light violation, then a prosecution will be initiated.

As you approach the crossing, be ready to stop behind the white line if the lights begin to flash.

  • Only cross when the barriers are fully raised and the lights go off
  • If the red lights keep flashing after a train has passed, wait – another train is coming
  • If the amber light comes on while you are on the crossing then you must keep going
  • Never reverse onto or over the level crossing
  • Keep children with you at all times near a level crossing
  • Keep dogs on a lead

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